

AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy∥ Best Scope!



    AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy Description:-

    AIIMS Deoghar Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy: Applications are invited in prescribed format from suitable candidate for filling up following Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts on DEPUTATION BASIS in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Essential qualification, experiences etc. required for applying for the post as below.

    For application form, eligibility criteria, desirable qualifications/experience and related details please visit Applications completed in all respect along with CRs, Vigilance clearance, Integrity Certificate etc. should be sent through proper channel to The Dy. Director (Administration), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Deoghar, At- Devipur Campus, Ramsagar, Deoghar-814152, Jharkhand. The last date for submission of application through proper channel will be 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News.

    *Note: The number of vacancies are provisional and subject to variation. The Competent Authority reserves the right to vary the vacancies as per institute’s requirement.

    Number Of the Post of AIIMS Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    as per Advertisement

    AIIMS Deoghar Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    Pay Scale Of the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    Level -11 (Rs. 67700 – 208700)

    Eligibility Criteria for the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    Officers of the State/ Central Government or Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies holding analogous posts
    Deputy/ Assistant Nursing Superintendent with 5 years regular service in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-.

    AIIMS DEOGHAR recruitment 2025 for nursing superintendent

    Age Limit Of the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    The maximum age limit for applying for the posts mentioned above on is as per advertisement-56 Years as of the last date of receipt of application. A candidate shall have attained the minimum age and shall not have attained the maximum age prescribed in the relevant recruitment rules on the date as specified in the advertisement.

    Experience required for the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    As Per Advertisement

    Last Date to Apply for the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    21-02-2025 as per Advertisement.

    Note for the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    • Any number of vacancies can be DECREASED/CANCELLED before/after interview without reasons. No intimation on same will be provided.
    • Maximum age limit for applying for the afore said posts on deputation is 56 years as on last date of receipt of online
    • The period of deputation shall be for 3 years (initially for 1 year extendable up to 2 more years)
    • Experience will be calculated by last date to receive application forms
    • The Officers/Officials, who fulfill the specified eligibility conditions may submit their application in the prescribed performa as Annexure – A through proper channel along with attested copies of all relevant certificates to be sent to “Recruitment Cell, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand, Pin-249203” super scribing the envelope “Application for the post of ………………………….…… on deputation basis” by Speed Post/Registered Post ONLY.
    • While forwarding their applications, it may be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfill the eligibility conditions. The qualification/eligibility prescribed is minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for selection. Based on bio-data, the selection committee will short-list candidates who may be called for Interview. The candidates have to produce all relevant original documents as proof of details furnished in their application at the time of selection.
    • Application of eligible officers may be forwarded through proper channel along with:
      a) Duly attested photocopies of Confidential Reports of the applicant (last five years);
      b) Vigilance Clearance Certificate duly signed by an authorized officer clearly indicating that no disciplinary or
      criminal proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the officer concerned;
      c) Statement showing the minor/major penalties imposed, if any, and
      d) A certificate about the integrity of the Officer recommended for on Deputation. Application without vigilance clearance and attested copies of CR Dossiers will not be considered. The candidates have to produce all relevant original documents as proof of details furnished in their application at the time of interview. Application received
      not through proper channel will not be considered for interview.
    • The deputation will be governed by the standard terms and conditions of deputation provided under Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay II) dated 17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.

    Notification Details of the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    We provide advanced jobs of Staff Nurse, Sister In charge, Community Health Officer(CHO), Nursing Superintendent, Nursing Officer etc. through this website. You can check if there is a staff nurse/ certified nursing assistant jobs near me and can get great opportunity. Many jobs related to BSc Nursing Jobs and GNM Nursing Jobs are available on our website. Apply for the post mentioned in advertisement and build nursing careers.

    Those who want to get Govt. nursing jobs have to go to the official website and apply for Nursing Superintendent vacancy 2025 online or offline as per the advertisement published by Institute or Hospital. Nurse staffing jobs are in high demand. Visit website regularly to get advanced details of Nursing Superintendent Recruitment 2025.

    nurses who are looking for a Nursing superintendent Vacancy 2025 may refer official website notification and know the criteria like age limit, qualification, application fees and how to apply. Interested Nurse can apply from the official website on or before the last date.

    Result of the Post of AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025-Nursing Superintendent Vacancy

    Result will be uploaded to their official website.

    Tagged as: AIIMS DEOGHAR Recruitment 2025, AIIMS Recruitment 2025, AIIMS Vacancy 2025, latest government jobs, Nursing Jobs, Nursing superintendent recruitment 2025, Nursing superintendent vacancy 2025

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