CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies: Notice No.171/2025 dated: 07/01/2025 Detailed Recruitment Advertisement (DRA) for COMMON RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION- 2024 For AIIMS & Other Central Govt Institutes/bodies Conducted by Examination Section.
The Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)-2024 is for the recruitment on various posts at participating AIIMS and Central Government Institutes/bodies where each institute is autonomous body/subordinate office and independent Organization under Government of India.
AIIMS, New Delhi is only conducting examination for all participating Institutes based on detail provided by the respective Organizations.
Overview of the Nursing Officer Job Vacancy 2025: Apply Soon!
Online application is invited from all eligible Indian national candidates for Recruitment to regular Non-Faculty Group-B & C posts on the behalf of participating AIIMS and Central Government Institutes/bodies as per detail provided in this advertisement.
The posts carry the usual allowance as admissible to respective Institutes/Hospitals.
Kindly refer to Important Dates Tab for detailed schedule of various activities.
Closing Date (Last date) for Online Registration 31st January 2025 Upto 5:00 PM
This is an incredible opportunity to become part of a respected healthcare facility that values the well-being of both its patients and staff. If you’re passionate about providing exceptional patient care and advancing your career in nursing, apply now and take the next step toward making a real difference in the healthcare industry!

Table of Contents for Nursing Officer Job Vacancy 2025
Number of the Posts for CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies
800+Posts as per Advertisement
Type of the Vacancy
Regular– Direct
Pay Scale for the Post of CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies
Pay Level as Per Rules.
Eligibility Criteria for the Post of CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies
To apply for the Staff Nurse Vacancy position, candidates must meet the following requirements:
Essential: Should be registered as Nurse & Midwife with the Indian Nursing Council/ State Nursing Council.
B.Sc.(Hons.) Nursing/B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council recognized Institute/University.
B.Sc.(Post Certificate) or equivalent such as B.Sc. Nursing(Post Basic) from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Instiute/University.
Diploma in General Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council recognized Institute/Board or Council with 2 years’ experience in minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification.

Age Limit for the Post of CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies
The maximum age limit for applying for the posts mentioned above on is as per advertisement- 30 Years as of the last date of receipt of application. A candidate shall have attained the minimum age and shall not have attained the maximum age prescribed in the relevant recruitment rules on the date as specified in the advertisement.
- Crucial date to determine eligibility in terms of the age of candidates will be the last date for online submission of applications as mentioned under important dates of this DRA or any subsequent notices published on website.
- SC/ST/OBC candidates who opt to apply for unreserved vacancies will not be eligible for age relaxation or relaxation in cut-off marks otherwise allowed to those belonging to these categories. Further, reserve category candidates (SC/ST/OBC) who become eligible by age relaxation applicable in their case will be considered only for reserved seats of the category to which they belong even if they have the merit to be considered otherwise for UR.
- In pursuance of guidelines contained in DOPT OM No. 1667569393892 dated 06.09.2022, the age concession to the persons with disability shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disability or not, provided the post is identified suitable for relevant category of disability.
- The upper age limit in respect of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons etc. shall be relaxable in accordance with the orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.
- *Unless otherwise indicated in the recruitment rules, age relaxation as mentioned for personnel serving in Central/State Government and Autonomous Institutions of Central & State Govts. and for regular employees of AIIMS who have completed three years of regular service period will be allowed. This clause is not applicable to AIIMS, New Dehi or it may not also be applicable to any other participating Institute if expressly notified on website.
- *For AIIMS, New Delhi unless otherwise indicated in recruitment rules age relaxation as mentioned for personnel serving in Central Government only who have completed three years of regular service period will be allowed.
- In case any of posts advertised in any group mentions explicitly any kind of relaxation to respective organization same will be applicable only for respective Participating organization not across all participating organization.
- For AIIMS Bilaspur, the Institute has permitted to allow a relaxation of age up to a maximum of 05 years in respect of staff working in AIIMS, Bilaspur for the posts which are in the same line or allied where a relationship could be established that services rendered will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts. The age relaxation will be for one year for each year of completion of contractual/outsource period engagement at AIIMS, Bilaspur subject to a ceiling of a maximum of five years.
- For AIIMS Raipur, the benefit of age relaxation in the upper age limit to the existing contractual employees in similar positions for the period of they have served at AIIMS Raipur as on the date of application, up to maximum of five years, which is lower, in direct recruitments is admissible for the candidates applying for the posts in AIIMS Raipur.
Last Date to Apply for the Post of Nursing Officer Vacancy 2025
31-01-2025 as per Advertisement
Required Documents for the Post of Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025
The list of self-attested documents photo copies to be attached along with the filled application form:
1. One recent passport size photographs.
2. Evidence of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate / SSLC / HSC certificate).
3. Evidence of Educational Qualification and Marks Sheets (SSLC / HSC / Degree / Provisional or Degree Certificate issued by the Government / Private Institutions Authorized by the Government / as per existing norms in force etc.,).
4. Nurses and Midwives council registration certificate GNM / B.Sc (Nursing) qualification from the institution recognized by the Indian Nursing council and duly registered with state council.
5. Proof of residency:
How to Apply for the Post of Nursing Officer Vacancy 2025
If you are ready to take the next step in your nursing career, Submit your application through online portal before last date as per advertisement.
- All candidates who wish to apply for the common recruitment Examination (CRE)-2024 for the various Group-B & C posts as per the above details are required to apply online on the website
- The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The Online applications can be done through the website as per closing date specified under Important dates. No documents, including the Registration Slip of the online application form, are required to be sent in Physical form. Any kind of Physical document regarding registration will be treated as null and void and will be destroyed. However, all the applicants are advised to keep a copy of the registration slips with them, along with proof of payment, for their records.
Correction in registration will not be considered through any mode i.e. Email/letter. Hence candidates are advised to fill their registration form carefully as no correction will be allowed after specified dates as per the procedure. - All participating organizations are independent of AIIMS, New Delhi and recruitment rules and service condition of respective organization will be applicable. This DRA is for the conduct of examination without any scrutiny on eligibility to a post, where all reported posts are grouped into several groups for the convenience of the applicants to enable them applying for several Institutes where eligibility is similar by paying one examination fee. Applicants applying under different group have to fill separate application for each group. However, it is important to note that different posts grouped at one place may have different set of eligibility, relaxation & service conditions which are applicable accordingly.
- It is important to mention that an applicant may not be eligible for every post under a group for which he/she has applied and same will depend upon the eligibility criteria of respective posts under the group. Merely issue of admit card, Offer of appointment does not guarantee final appointment which always subject to verification of eligibility.
- All applicants must fulfil the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts. They must fulfil all the eligibility criteria as of the closing date of online submission of applications, failing which their candidature will be summarily rejected & application fee will be forfeited. Required educational qualification/ experience should be completed on or before the last date of the online submission of the application.
- The crucial date for deciding eligibility in all respect unless otherwise expressly mentioned will be the last date of submission of the online application. Recruitment Rules of respective AIIMS/Institute will be applicable for essential eligibility criteria at respective participating body and merit of Online (CBT) Examination as per scheme of examination of CRE 2024, choices and preferences filled & other rules as applicable.
- Unless otherwise mentioned scheme of examination in this DRA will be applicable irrespective of any other scheme prevailing in respective participating Institute.
- As the examination will be conducted without any scrutiny on eligibility, a candidate will be treated as disqualified from beginning in case ineligibility detected at any stage of recruitment process.
- Reason for rejection/Status of application: Only for candidates requiring correction during status in Registration OR Completion of application form only for those who had made payment, the edit panel will be available as notified. Applicants may note that further correspondence will NOT be entertained in this regard. Change in reservation categories, post applied is not allowed once registration fees are submitted. Candidature will be cancelled in case found incorrect information at any stage of recruitment.
- The On-line portal for application will be closed for new registration as closing date & time mentioned under the Important Dates. The candidature of applicants who fail to complete the online application by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. However, those who have paid the examination fee by the closing date may be allowed to edit during the opening of the edit panel.
- The candidate must ensure that images of the photo, signature and thumb impression should be as per the guidelines mentioned in the ‘Upload Image Instructions’ given in the General links and are visible clearly in the preview at the time of filling out an application in online mode. If the photo/signature/thumb impression image is not as per instructions given in the ‘Upload Image Instructions’ in that case, your application will be rejected. Due diligence and care should be taken while uploading images of photo, signature and thumb impression.
- Choice & Preference (Order of choice)
As the CRE-2024 is a common examination for recruitment in various participating organizations, choices will be invited at a later stage from qualified candidates. Any candidate who fails to exercise choice and preference in the given duration will not be considered for selection at any stage after closing date of exercise of choice. In case a candidate, fills choices to only few organizations despite being eligible to fill choices in other organization, will not be considered for selection for those organizations/posts for which no choice/preference is filled, at any stage of recruitment process. Therefore, all candidates who are supposed to fill choices when invited must exercise cautiously as it may lead to denial of appointment without any further notice. - Experience Certificate
Certificate(s) from the Head(s) of Organization(s)/Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with duration(s). - No Objection Certificate
No Objection Certificate from the present employer (in case of candidates working in Government/Semi or Quasi Government/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies or any institution funded by Government) is mandatory, otherwise, candidature will not be considered for any post. Therefore, candidates are requested to obtain the same before applying. Further, it is mandatory to produce the same NOC at the time of Document Verification. Candidates, who are working as contractual employee in Government/Semi Government/ PSUs/Autonomous Bodies or any institution funded by Government, also have to produce NOC mandatorily.
Application Fees
The following fees will be applicable for application in each group of posts as mentioned
A) General/OBC Candidates – Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only)
B) SC/ST Candidates/EWS – Rs.2400/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Hundred only)
C) Persons with Disabilities – Exempted Candidates applying in more than one group have to apply separately for each group by
paying the examination fee separately for each group.
- The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through DEBIT CARD/CREDIT CARD/ NETBANKING. Transaction / Processing fee, if any, as applicable, will be payable to the bank by the candidate.
- Application fee, once remitted, shall not be refunded under any circumstances even if rejection of application due to ineligible for that applied post.
- Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected.
- Application Fees of SC/ST candidates who appear in the Examination will be refunded in their source (debited) account after the declaration of results in due course of time.
Syllabus for the Post of Nursing Officer Vacancy 2025
⦁ Anatomy:
⦁ Physiology:
⦁ Pharmacology:
⦁ Nutrition:
⦁ Nursing Foundations:
⦁ Microbiology:
⦁ Pathology:
⦁ Sociology:
⦁ Biochemistry:
⦁ Psychology:
⦁ Community Health Nursing:
⦁ Mental Health Nursing:
⦁ Child Health Nursing:
⦁ Medical-Surgical Nursing
⦁ Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing:
⦁ Management of Nursing Services and Education:
⦁ Nursing Research and Statistics:
and more as per Advertisement /Rules.
Notification Details of the CRE AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025-800+Vacancies
We provide latest government jobs of Staff Nurse, Sister In charge, Community Health Officer(CHO), Nursing Superintendent, Nursing Officer etc. through this website. You can check if there is a staff nurse vacancy jobs near me and can get great opportunity. Many jobs related to BSc Nursing Jobs and GNM Nursing Jobs are available on our website and Social media Platform. Apply for the post mentioned in advertisement and build nursing careers.
Those who want to get Govt. nursing jobs have to go to the official website and apply for Nursing Officer vacancy 2025 online or offline as per the advertisement published by Institute or Hospital. Nurse staffing jobs are in high demand. Visit website regularly to get advanced details of Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025.
nurses who are looking for a Nursing Officer Vacancy may refer official website notification and know the criteria like age limit, qualification, application fees and how to apply. Interested Nurse can apply from the official website on or before the last date.
Job Responsibility for the Post of Nursing Officer Vacancy 2025
As a Nursing Officer, you will play a crucial role in providing patient care in a variety of settings, including wards, clinics, and specialized units. Your responsibilities will include:
Patient Care:
Ward Management:
Hands over and takes over the patient and ward equipment and supply. Observe the Ward cleanliness.
Write day &night report book of all patient treatment ordered by their treating doctors. Prepare patients for operations and see that he or she is sent to operation theatre with all necessary papers and pre medication. Insist that the unit doctor prepare and sign the forms.
Maintain case paper, investigation reports the proper file or board, see that all reports get attached to the case paper temperature chart i/o chart maintain properly. Case paper should not be allowed to be handled by anyone except the doctor in charge of patients especially for medico-legal case.
Staff nurse must be known about fire exit plan of hospital especially in wards for safety of patients. Staff nurse must be aware about special medications & injections like sedatives and narcotics and keep under lock and key. Biomedical waste management and segregation must be done after completing procedures.
Maintains safety of the ward equipment. Prepare and check ward supplies. Assists Ward Supervisor/Sister in ward management and officiates in her/his absence. Assists in taking inventories. Supervises students and other junior Nursing personnel working with her/him. Maintains ward record and reports assigned to her/him by the sister in charge.
Educational Function:
Teaches and guides domestic staff. Instruct servants specially the newly appointed ones in the correct way of handling bed-pans urinals, sputum cups, kidney trays, soiled dressings, bandages, binders and Iinen.
Helps in the orientation of new staff and Orient newly posted students. Participates in staff education programme. Guides and Instruct the student Nurses in their work. Carry out health teaching for individual or group of patients.
Demonstrate bed side nursing procedures, the methods of disinfections and cleaning. Teach servants and nursing students about bio medical waste management and segregation
Record keeping:
Maintaining accurate patient records, noting progress, changes, and any concerns for review by medical teams.
Admit Card:-
I. Admit Card will be issued 3 days before date of examination of respective post/group; however, city/state will be notified 7 days in advance of issue of admit card.
II. The Admit card will be released on Examination Section (AIIMS, New Delhi) website Candidates are required to download their admit card from AIIMS website by login with credentials. No admit card will be sent by post.
III. Candidates are required to bring their admit card downloaded from website on the day of Exam at Examination Centre & handover to invigilator to mark your attendance in this Examination. Failing to do so may result in cancellation
of candidature.
IV. Separate Admit Card will be issued for Skill Test (if any), where skill test will be conducted at few selected locations only preferably in Delhi/NCR.
Note: Admit card is released/issued on the basis of information provided at the time of online application without any verification of eligibility. It is issued only to appear in the Examination and does not guarantee of eligibility/appointment/selection.
Merit List for the Post of Nursing Officer Recruitment 2025
Merit List of qualified candidates shall be prepared based on performance in CBT as per qualifying criteria. In case a CBT examination is conducted in multiple shifts, the respective normalisation procedure at AIIMS published vide Notice No. 35/2023 dated 20.01.2023 shall be applicable.
In case skill test is applicable on any of the posts in a group, it will be qualifying in nature for respective at respective organization as per criteria to be published at a later stage and Merit List will prepared out of qualified candidate as per performance in CBT examination.
There may be a situation where a candidate is qualified but not eligible for any or all participating Institute/organization. Depending upon eligibility for an institute as per information provided in online application qualified candidate will be asked to exercise choice
and order of preference for allocation. Any candidates who failed to exercise choice and order of preference within specified period, will not be considered for allocation of institute.
Based on choices and preference exercised institute will be allocated in order of merit.
Allocation will be conducted in two rounds only. In second round candidates may have option to upgrade based on options exercised in first round on vacancies created due to nonreporting/non-eligibility. Detail Information on the allocation process will be published with the invitation of choices after the declaration of a list of qualified candidates.
A candidate to whom a seat has been allocated out of any choice filled is mandatorily required to report on the allocated seat within specified date. Hence candidates are advised to fill in only those choices where they will join, as failure to report an allocated seat for any reason(s) shall lead to mandatory cancellation of candidature for the CRE.
AIIMS, New Delhi reserves the right to invite choices at any time during the process of recruitment.
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