

MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment



  • Medical & Health Services Recruitment Board, Telangana, Old CH&FW building DM&HS Campus, Sultan Bazar, Koti, Hyderabad - 500095.

MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment
Vacancy Details

MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment ∥ Description:-

1. Applications are invited from qualified persons online on MHSRB Board’s website ( for the posts of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse) under various departments.
(1.1) ONLINE application will be enabled from 28.9.2024
(1.2) Last date for submission of ONLINE application is 5.00 pm on 14.10.2024
(1.3) Applicants can edit their applications between 10.30 AM on 16.10.2024 to 5.00 PM on 17.10.2024
(1.4) Date of examination (CBT) is 17.11.2024

Job Title Of the Vacancy:- 

Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse)

Experience Of the Vacancy:- 

As Per Advertisement

Qualification Of the MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment∥:- 

Applicants must possess the following qualifications as on the date of the notification:
General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) OR B.Sc (Nursing)
Further, the applicants should register with Telangana Nursing Council as on date of their application and should upload this certificate online.

EQUIVALENT QUALIFICATION: At the time of verification of certificates, if it is noticed that any applicant who possesses a qualification other than requisite qualification and claims thatsaid qualification is equivalent to the requisite qualification, the matter shall be referred to an ‘Expert Committee’ constituted by the Board and the Board will take a decision based on the report of the ‘Expert Committee’.


Number Of the Posts MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment∥:- 

  • Director of Public Health and Family Welfare / Director of Medical Education—— 1576
    Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad—– 332
    AYUSH—-  61
    Institute of Preventive Medicine —-1 
    MNJ Institute of Oncology & Regional Cancer Centre (MNJIO&RCC)—80
    Total 2050
  • The number of vacancies is subject to variation on intimation being received from the department concerned. Addition or deletion of vacancies if any, can be done up to the declaration of result.

Pay Scale of the MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment∥:-

  • The scale of pay associated with these posts is 36,750 – 1,06,990.

Last Date to Apply MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment:-

The last date for submission of application form will be 14 October 2024

Age Limit for the MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment∥:-

The applicants should possess a minimum age of 18 years and cannot exceed maximum age of 46 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2024 (Rule-12(1)(a)(v) of State and Subordinate Service Rules).
(Upper age limit of 46 years is considered as per G.O.Ms.No.30, General Administration(Ser.A) Dept., Dt:08/02/2024).

Age Relaxation as per Norms.

Fee for Application:-

(11.1) Examination Fee: Each applicant must pay Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred Only) towards Examination Fee. There is no fee exemption under this category.
(11.2) Application Fee: The applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) towards application fee. However, the following categories of applicants are exempted from payment of application fee.
(11.2.1) SC, ST, BC, EWS, PH & Ex-servicemen of Telangana State.
(11.2.2) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 46 years of Telangana State.
(11.2.3) Note: Applicants belonging to otherstates are not exempted from payment of Fee.
(11.3) Mode of Fee Payment:
(11.3.1) The fee is to be paid online through payment gateway duly following online instructions once the application form details are filled.
(11.3.2) The fee once remitted, shall not be refunded, or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the Online Application fee and Examination/Processing fee, wherever applicable, will entail total rejection of application. If full payment of both Online Application fee and examination/processing fee (unless exempted) is not made, the application will not be accepted.

Written Examination∥:-

(13.1) The examination will be Computer Based Test and will have 80 multiple choice questions and each question carry one mark.
(13.2) The Computer Based Test will be held on 17.11.2024.
(13.3) If the Computer Based Test is held in more than one session, then normalization of the scores will be carried out. If the Computer Based Test is held in one session only, then there will be no normalization of scores.
(13.4) The Key of the examination will be released and objections, if any, will be called for from the applicants online only. Any objections received otherwise will not be entertained. After examination of the objections by committee of experts, the key will be finalized. The marks for the deleted questions, if any, will be awarded to each candidate proportionately and the marks would be
considered up to 3 (three) decimal figures, to determine the merit of the candidate. Objections on final key will not be entertained.
(13.5) The question paper is set in English.
(13.6) The syllabus of the examination is given at Annexure V
(13.7) Applicants have to download the hall-tickets online and the date on which downloading of hall tickets to be enabled will be notified.
(13.8) The examination centers will be at the following places and the applicants have to give their priority for the exam centre:
i. Hyderabad
ii. Nalgonda
iii. Kodad
iv. Khammam
v. Kothagudem
vi. Sathupally
vii. Karimnagar 7
viii. Mahbubnagar
ix. Sangareddy
x. Adilabad
xi. Nizamabad
xii. Warangal
xiii. Narsampet

Reservation Rules∥:-

(14.1) The rule of reservation is applicable as issued by state government from time to time.
(14.2) Horizontal reservations for women will be followed in this recruitment, in terms of G.O.Ms.No.35 General Administration (Ser.D) Department Dated:13.2.2024.
For posts under AYUSH department, only women applicants shall be considered in terms of G.O.Ms.No.551 HM&FW(I.1) Dept Dt.29.10.1994)
(14.3) Reservation for BC-E group as per G.O.Ms.No.23, Backward Classes Welfare (C.2)Department, Dt. 07/07/2007, will be subject to the adjudication of the litigationbefore the Honorable Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No:(a)2628-2637 of 2010 in SLP.No.7388-97 of 2010, dated 25/03/2010 and ordersfrom theGovernment.
(14.4) The reservation for ‘Meritorious Sports Persons’ is applicable as per the amendments made to State and Subordinate Service Rules (G.O.Ms.No.107, General Administration (Ser.D) Dept., Dt. 27-07-2018) and G.O. Ms. No.5, YAT&C(Sports) Department, Dt. 14/05/2018, or as may be revised by the government from time to time. The proforma for obtaining sports certificates are given at Annexure IV.C
(14.5) Economically Weaker Sections: The EWS reservation is applicable as per G.O.Ms.No.243 & 244 GA(SER.D) Dept., Dt.24/08/2021.
(14.6) Reservation for benchmark disabilities:
(14.6.1)As per G.O.Ms.No.14 WCD & SC Dept., dated 25.4.2022, the posts notified herein are exempt from the following benchmark disabilities:
(i) Blindness and low vision
(ii) Deaf and hard of hearing
(iii) Autism, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability
and Mental Illness
(iv) Multiple Disabilities

(14.6.2)The above categories of disabilities will be inter changed by providing 4% reservation to the said posts in favor of persons with locomotor disability.
(14.6.3)Physically Challenged applicants who are claiming reservations under Disability quota must note that they will be referred to State Medical Board (Appellate Medical Authority) after completion of certificate verification. The report of the Medical Board is final.
(14.6.4)Request for re-medical examination by the State Medical Board (Appellate Medical Authority) for assessment of disability will not be entertained.
(14.6.5)Guidelines for evaluation of various disabilities and procedure for certification are mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.31, WD, CW & (DW) Dept, Dt:01- 12-2009.

(16.1) These posts are classified into Zonal posts and local reservation is applicable.
(16.2) Local Reservation (95%) is applicable as per Para-8 of G.O.Ms.No.124 General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, dated: 30.08.2018. 9
(16.3) Local Candidate is defined in Para-7 of G.O.Ms.No.124 General Administration (SPF-MC) Department, Dated: 30.08.2018.
(16.4) The following are the Zones in Telangana as given in G.O.Ms. No. 124, G.A. (SPF- MC) Dept., Dated: 30/08/2018 and amended vide G.O.Ms. No. 128, G.A.(SPF-I) Dept., Dated: 30/06/2021 read with G.O.Rt.No.74, Revenue (DACMRF) Dept.,dt:12/08/2021:

How To Apply∥:-

(12.1) The application has to be made online on MHSRB website.
(12.2) The applicants should upload all required certificates (original certificates have to be produced for verification at the time of scrutiny before finalizing the selection list).
(12.3) Applications once submitted online shall be final and no changes shall be permitted thereafter.
(12.4) Upon submission of online form, Reference ID Number shall be generated. The same may be used for any future reference.
(12.5) Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of the application form carefully. The applicant alone shall be responsible for information provided by them and decisions taken by Board based on the same.
(12.6) Incomplete / incorrect application form will be rejected. The information if any furnished by the applicant subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Board under any circumstances.
(12.7) The applicant should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated, or suppress any material information while submitting online application. The applicant shall be liable for criminal action in such cases.

Selection Process∥:-

(G.O.Ms.No.60, HM&FW(B) Dept., Dated:7.6.2022; G.O.Ms.No.59, HM&FW (B) Dept., Dated:7.6.2022 & G.O.Ms.No.63, HM&FW (B)Dept., Dated:14.6.2022, G.O.Ms.No.89, HM&FW (B)Dept.,Dated:12.7.2023; G.O.Ms.No.90, HM&FW (B)Dept.,Dated:12.7.2023)
(3.1) Applicants will be selected based on 100 points of which:
(3.1.1) Maximum of 80 points for percentage of marks obtained in written examination (written examination will be of 80 marks comprising of multiple-choice questions).
(3.1.2) Maximum of 20 points will be awarded for service in state government hospitals/ institutions/ programmes on contract/outsourced basis.
(3.2) Maximum of 20 points shall be awarded for the service in state government hospitals/ institutions/ programmes for both contract and outsourced employees as detailed below:
(3.2.1) 2.5 points per 6 months for service rendered in tribal areas.
(3.2.2) 2 points per 6 months for service rendered in other than tribal areas.
(3.2.3) Points to be given for only completed 6 months .
(3.3) Points shall be awarded for service (contract/outsourced) rendered in state government hospitals/ institutions/ programmes as per certificates issued by competent authority (Annexure-II)
(3.4) The applicants seeking experience certificate should apply to respective competent authority. After obtaining the experience certificate, the candidate should apply online for these posts. They should upload this experience certificate while applying
online for the above posts.
(3.5) Points for contract/outsourced service rendered shall be awarded only for service in the same category of post for which application is made. (For example, if a candidate has applied for Staff Nurse post, she will not be given weightage for
previous service rendered on contract/outsourced as ANM, even though she has qualification to be eligible for Staff Nurse).
(3.6) The application for seeking experience certificate and the proforma in which experience certificate shall be issued by respective competent authorities are appended as Annexures III-A, III-B & III-C.
(3.7) Experience certificates other than those issued in formats specified at Annexure III-B & III-C will not be taken into consideration. However, applicants can upload experience certificates they have obtained in the prescribed proforma for Notification No.3/2022 Dt.30.12.2022 of MHSRB.

(3.8) Date of notification shall be cut off date for calculating the weightage marks and competent authorities shall issue the experience certificates accordingly.
(3.9) If more than one applicant scores same marks, then the person with higher age will be assigned better rank. If more than one candidate has same marks and same date of birth, then the percentage of marks obtained in qualifying examination will be
taken into consideration for awarding the rank.

Required Documents of the MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment:-

Before applying for the posts online, applicants are requested to keep the soft copy (PDF) of the following documents ready for uploading:
i. Aadhaar Card
ii. SSC or 10thclass Certificate (for date of birth proof)
iii. GNM/B.Sc (Nursing) Certificate
iv. Telangana Nursing Council Registration Certificate
v. Experience Certificate, in case of contract/outsourced service in state government hospitals/ institutions/ programmes (if applicable)
vi. Study Certificate (1stto7th class ) for claiming local status
vii. For candidates who have not studied in any school, Residence Certificate by competent authority of Telangana Government (1stto7thClass period) for claiming local status (Annexure IV.D)
viii. Community Certificate (SC/ST/BC) issued by the competent authority of Telangana Government (as applicable)
ix. Latest ‘Non-Creamy Layer’ Certificate in case of BCs issued by the competent authority of Telangana Government in Form VII.B.
(Annexure IV.A)
x. Latest ‘Income and Asset Certificate’ for applicants claiming EWS Reservation issued by the competent authority of Telangana
Government (Annexure IV.B).
xi. Sports certificate issued by competent authority for applicants claiming reservation under sports category (Annexure IV.C)
xii. SADAREM certificate for applicants claiming PH reservation
xiii. Service certificate for NCC Instructor claiming age relaxation
xiv. Service certificate for in-service (regular) applicants claiming age relaxation
xv. Applicant’s Photograph Jpg/Jpeg/png
xvi. Applicant’s signature Jpg/Jpeg/png

MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment ∥ Notification Details:-

Official Notification;Click Here

Applicants are directed to visit the Board’s Website ( to know the latest developments of this recruitment and any changes/ modifications/ results/ calling of applicants for verification of Certificates etc. Applicants may note that individual communication shall not be made. Hence, they must regularly visit the MHSRB website for updates.

Syllabus of  MHSRB Nursing Officer Job vacancy 2024 ∥2050-Posts ∥ Direct Recruitment∥ Exam:-

1. Anatomy and Physiology:
(i) Introduction to anatomical terms, organisation of the human body:
(ii) Introduction to detailed structure of the body
(iii) Blood
(iv) The circulatory system
(v) The Lymphatic System
(vi) The Respiratory System
(vii) The Digestive System
(viii) The Excretory System
(ix) The Endocrine System
(x) The Reproductive System
(xi) The Nervous System
(xii) The Sense Organ
(xiii) The Skeleton
(xiv) The Muscular System
2. Microbiology
(i) Introduction
(ii) Micro Organisms
(iii) Infection and its transmission
(iv) Immunity
(v) Control and destruction of Microbes
(vi) Practical Microbiology
3. Psychology
(i) Introduction
(ii) Structure of the mind
(iii) Psychology of Human Behavior
(iv) Learning, Thinking and Reasoning, Observation and Perception
(v) Personality
(vi) Intelligence
4. Sociology
(i) Introduction
(ii) Individual
(iii) The Family
(iv) Society
(v) The Community

5. Fundamentals of Nursing
(i) Introduction to Nursing
(ii) Nursing care of the patient
(iii) Meeting the Basic Needs of a patient
(iv) Assessment of patient/client
(v) Infection control
(vi) Therapeutic Nursing Care
(vii) Introduction to clinical Pharmacology
(i) Introduction
(ii) Procedures and Techniques in First Aid
(iii) First Aid in emergencies
(iv) Community Emergencies & Community Resources
(i) Introduction to Community Health
(ii) Community Health Nursing
(iii) Health Assessment
(iv) Principles of Epidemiology and Epidemiological methods
(v) Family Health Nursing Care
(vi) Family Health Care Settings Home Visit:
(vii) Referral System
(viii) Records and reports
(ix) Minor Ailments
(i) Introduction
(ii) Environmental Factors Contributing to Health
(iii) Community organizations to promote environmental health
(i) Communication Skills
(ii) Health Education
(iii) Counseling
(iv) Methods and Media of Health Education
(i) Introduction
(ii) Classification of food
(iii) Normal Dietary Requirements
(iv) Food Preparation, Preservation & Storage
(v) Therapeutic Diet
(vi) Community Nutrition
(vii) Preparation of diet / practical

(i) Introduction
(ii) Nursing assessment
(iii) Pathophysiological mechanism of disease
(iv) Altered immune response
(v) Fluid and electrolyte balance and Imbalance
(vi) Operation theatre technique
(vii) Management of patient undergoing surgery
(viii) Nursing management of patient with gastro intestinal disorders
(ix) Nursing management of patients with metabolic and endocrinal disorders
(x) Nursing management of renal and urinary disorders
(xi) Nursing management of patients with neurological disorders
(xii) Nursing Management of Patients with Connective Tissue and Collagen
(xiii) Nursing management of the elderly
(xiv) Nursing management of patient with impaired respiratory function and
gaseous exchange.
(i) Oncology Nursing
(ii) Nursing Management of patients with disorders of Breast
(iii) Nursing Management of patient with diseases and disorders of integumentary
(iv) Ophthalmology And Ophthalmic Nursing
(v) Nursing Management of Patient with Disorders and Diseases of Ear, Nose and
(vi) Nursing Management of Patient with cardio vascular, circulatory and
Hematological disorders
(vii) Nursing Management of Patients with communicable diseases
(viii) Nursing Management of Patients with Sexually Transmitted diseases
(ix) Nursing Management of Patients with Musculo-skeletal disorders and diseases
(x) Emergency Management
(xi) Emergency and Disaster Nursing

(i) Introduction
(ii) History of Psychiatry
(iii) Mental Health Assessment
(iv) Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship
(v) Mental Disorders and Nursing Interventions
(vi) Bio – Psycho & Social Therapies
(vii) Community Mental Health
(viii) Psychiatric Emergencies and Crisis Intervention
(ix) Forensic Psychiatry / Legal Aspects
(i) Introduction
(ii) Growth & Development
(iii) The sick child
(iv) Disorders and health problems of a child
(v) Child with congenital disorders
(vi) Children with various disorders and diseases
(vii) Child welfare services
(i) Introduction
(ii) Reproductive system
(iii) Embryology and foetal development
(iv) Normal pregnancy and its management
(v) Normal labour and its management
(vi) Management of newborn
(vii) Management of normal puerperium
(viii) Management of complications during pregnancy
(ix) Management of high risk labour
(x) Management of complications of puerperium
(xi) High risk and sick newborn
(xii) Obstetric operations
(xiii) Drugs used in obstetrics
(xiv) Ethical and legal aspects related to midwifery
(i) Introduction
(ii) Puberty
(iii) Fertility and infertility
(iv) Pelvic infections
(v) Gynaecological disorders
(vi) Breast disorders
(vii) Menopause

(i) Heath system in India
(ii) Health care delivery system
(iii) Health planning in India
(iv) Specialized community health services and nurse’s role
(v) National health problems
(vi) National Health programme
(vii) Demography and family welfare
(viii) Health Team
(ix) Health Information System
(x) Health Agencies
(i) Introduction
(ii) Teaching learning process
(iii) Methods of teaching
(i) Introduction
(ii) Research process
(iii) Research approaches and designs
(iv) Data collection process
(v) Analysis of data
(vi) Introduction to statistics
(vii) Utilization of research in nursing practice
(i) Nursing as a profession
(ii) Professional ethics
(iii) Personal and professional development
(iv) Legislation in nursing
(v) Profession and related organizations
(i) Introduction
(ii) Management process
(iii) Administration of hospital/department/unit/ ward
(iv) Management of equipment supplies
(v) Cost and financing of health care

Those who want to get Govt. nursing jobs have to go to the official website and apply online or offline as per the advertisement published by Institute or Hospital. Nurse staffing jobs are in high demand. Visit our website regularly to get advanced details of Nurse Recruitment Jobs.

We provide advanced jobs of Staff Nurse, Sister In charge, Community Health Officer(CHO), Nursing Superintendent etc. through this website. You can check if there is a staff nurse/certified nursing assistant jobs near me and can get great opportunity. Many jobs related to BSc Nursing Jobs and GNM Nursing Jobs are available on our website Apply for the post mentioned in advertisement and build nursing careers.

nurses who are looking for a Staff Nurse Job may refer official website notification and know the criteria like age limit, qualification, application fees and how to apply. Interested Nurse can apply from the official website on or before the last date.

Official Website and Notification  :-  See Reference Section
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Medical & Health Services Recruitment Board, Telangana, Old CH&FW building DM&HS Campus, Sultan Bazar, Koti, Hyderabad - 500095.
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