Table of Contents 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)
7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥∥ Description:-
7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO): Detailed instructions of Corrigendum, Guidelines and Selection Process for recruitment of 7400+contractual position of Community Health Officer(CHO) (Integrated Course) through Computer Based Test (CBT).
The National Health Mission (NHM), UP seeks to provide universal access to equitable, affordable and quality health care, which is accountable, yet at the same time responsive to the needs of the people, resulting in the reduction of child and maternal deaths, as well as population stabilization, gender and demographic balance. The National Health Mission (NHM), Uttar Pradesh invites online applications from eligible candidates for 7400+ contractual vacancies of Community Health Officers. T
his is a part of initiative Under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme, GoUP envisioned to strengthen Sub-Health Centers as Ayushman Arogya Mandir (AAMs) for improved implementation of public health programs and to enable comprehensive primary healthcare service delivery, including disease prevention and health promotion. Candidates who will be shortlisted in CBT and successful DVP will be posted as contractual position of Community Health Officer (CHO) at Sub-Health Centers level AAMs in RURAL/VILLAGE areas on contract basis. The CHOs will work in co-ordination with primary healthcare team.

Those who want to get Govt. nursing jobs have to go to the official website and apply online or offline as per the advertisement published by Institute or Hospital. Nurse staffing jobs are in high demand. Visit website regularly to get advanced details of Nurse Recruitment Jobs.
Number Of the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Vacancy Details- Total-7401
UR-2960 EWS-740 OBC-1998 SC-1555 ST-148
Pay Scale Of the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
a) The successful candidate shall be appointed as Community Health Officer on contractual basis at sub center level AAMs and paid Rs. 25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand only) per month honoraria and up to Rs 10,000 (Ten Thousand only) per month Performance based incentive (PBI) after posting in the allocated district as a CHO.
b) A Surety Bond of Rs. 2.50 Lakh (Two Lakh and Fifty Thousand) on the Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- must be submitted by the candidate at the time of joining as CHO to serve for minimum 03 years at Sub Health Centre level AAM in Uttar Pradesh.
Eligibility Criteria for the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
- Qualification: Candidates who have successfully completed B.Sc. (Nursing) with integrated curriculum of Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (CCHN) OR Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) course with integrated curriculum of Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (CCHN) from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council recognized Institute or University from academic year 2020 onwards shall be eligible to apply.
For clarification the academic year refer for Integration of middle level health provider (MLHP), i.e.,student who have undergone 4 th year B.Sc. Nursing and 2nd year Post B.Sc. Nursing in the year 2019-20 or onwards and passed the course successfully. - Candidate must be registered in UP Nurses & Midwives Council, but candidates having registration in other State’s Nursing Council as Nurse and Midwife are also eligible to apply, subject to the submission of registration certificate of UP Nurses & Midwives Council within 90 days of their provisional joining at District, if shortlisted.
- Candidates who are not having registration in UP Nurses & Midwives Council but have other State’s Nursing Council Registration, will submit an affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- at the time of DVP at concerned District Health Society (DHS) that he/she must submit his/her registration certificate of UP Nurses & Midwives Council within 90 days of joining in their concerned districts (Annexure-II).
- Candidates who are not having registration in UP Nurses & Midwives Council and are joining on the basis of other state Nursing Council, their joining as CHO shall be purely provisional. After submission of registration certificate of UP Nurses & Midwives Council, in concerned DHS, their joining will be continued as a CHO from the day of provisional joining.
- If the candidate fails to produce UP Nurses & Midwives Council registration certificate within 90 days of provisional joining, his/her candidature shall stand cancelled. Concerned DHS will issue service termination notice to such candidates and full amount of surety bond (Rs. 2.50 Lakh) has to be deposited by candidate to DHS.
- Candidates who are working as a CHO in Uttar Pradesh are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
Age Limit Of the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Candidate should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent Certificate only will be accepted by the NHM, UP for determining the age and no subsequent request for its change will be entertained.
Upper Age Limit is relaxed by:
ï‚· 5 Years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), SC, ST
ï‚· 15 Years for Persons with Disabilities candidate.
ï‚· 3 Years + Period of service rendered in Army for the Emergency Commissioned Officers / Short Service Commissioned Officers / Ex-Army Personnel of U.P.
ï‚· Candidates claiming reservation/Age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession, whichever is more beneficial to them.
Reservation for the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
a) Reservation will be provided as per applicable reservation rule to candidates who are original inhabitants of Uttar Pradesh (domicile of Uttar Pradesh only).
b) Candidate not having domicile of Uttar Pradesh will be treated under Un-reserved category and may apply only as unreserved category.
c) Candidate belongs to SC, ST, OBC (NCL), PWD and EWS category can claim benefit for the same, must upload SC, ST, OBC (NCL), PWD and EWS Certificate while filling online application form.
d) Candidate must produce OBC (NCL) and EWS certificate issued on or after 01.04.2024 at the time of DVP. If application is already submitted in the previous advertisement with validity of certificate by 31st March, 2024, the certificates will be treated valid.
e) In case of female candidates, caste certificate issued from Father’s side only will be treated as valid.
f) Candidates claiming for the benefit of reservation/age relaxation must obtain, in support of their category a certificate issued by competent authority. In case of OBC (NCL) and EWS, the certificate must be on the format available on ANNEXURE-III for OBC (NCL) & ANNEXURE-IV for EWS of this advertisement shall be treated valid.
g) For claiming any reservation i.e. SC, ST, OBC (NCL), PWD, EWS, Female, Dependent of freedom fighters and ex-servicemen (An ‘Ex-Serviceman’ means a person, who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force
of the Indian Union), Domicile certificate of Uttar Pradesh is mandatory.
h) All reservation mentioned above will be applicable as per Uttar Pradesh state
reservation policy.
Last Date to Apply for the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Go-Live of Online Application form— 28.10.2024, 11.00 AM
Closure of Online Application form —17.11.2024, 11.59 PM
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING ONLINE APPLICATION FORM for the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Online recruitment application is spread over different Modules/Sections designed to capture information of the candidate related to Personal Information, Contact details, Age, Educational Qualification, District preferences and upload of relevant document etc. Before closing each session, applicants must save the information filled by clicking ‘Save’ button.
a) Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait till the last date & time and register their application well within the time. NHM shall not be held responsible, if the candidates are not able to submit their application due to last minute rush.
b) Candidates should read the instructions carefully before making any entry of selecting options for filling online applications and use the same mobile number and e-mail id (throughout the whole recruitment process) while filling application form and COVID experience.
c) Before applying, candidate should ensure that they have fulfilled the eligibility criteria.
Candidature shall be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for Document Verification Process at allocated District, if shortlisted in CBT and eligible for DVP.
d) Please note that reference/cut-off date for age, qualification etc. shall be last date of online submission of the Application.
Selection Process for the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Phase-I: Computer Based Test (CBT). Merit will be generated based on CBT.
Phase-II: Shortlisted candidates (based on CBT) will be called for Document Verification Process (DVP).
Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Admission to Computer based Test will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for document verification, if shortlisted in CBT.
Candidates shortlisted on the basis of merit in CBT will be called for DVP (Document Verification Process) only. At the time of document verification process, Candidate has to produce only those documents which have been uploaded by him/her during online submission of application. Candidates belonging to OBC (NCL) and EWS category must produce OBC (NCL) and
EWS certificate issued on or after 01.04.2024 at the time of DVP. Also refer Point No. 4 (d).
NOTE: In case of unsuccessful DVP, the candidature of the candidate shall stand cancelled.
A. TEST CITIES: The Computer Based Test will be held at major cities of Uttar Pradesh. NHM reserves the right to allocate any test city to the candidate.
B. COMPUTER BASED TEST: The Computer based Test will be held for duration of 2 hours (in one sitting) consisting of two sections of total 100 marks. Section-I (80 Marks) will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline/Domain related) and Section-II (20 Marks) will consist of General Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and Basic Computer knowledge with 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ). Each question will carry 1 mark and there is NO NEGATIVE marking for wrong answer.
No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. The question paper shall be set in bilingual language i.e. English and Hindi only. However, in case of any
inconsistency in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid & final.
C. NORMALIZATION PROCESS: – Please refer Annexure-VI
List of Documents to be uploaded for the Post of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
I. Photograph: Recent passport size color photograph taken against a light-colored, preferably white background. Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
II. Signature: Must be on white paper with Black ink pen. The signature must be of the applicant only and not of any other person. If at any stage the signature is not found to be matching with the candidate’s actual signature, the applicant’s candidature may be
summarily rejected. Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
III. Mark sheet of High School.
IV. Mark sheet of Intermediate.
V. All mark sheet of BSc (Nursing)/ PB BSc Nursing.
VI. Certificate from Principal of concerned Institution regarding Integration of Middle Level Health Provider (MLHP)/CCHN Course in Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) and PB B.Sc. Nursing (should be as prescribed in Annexure-VII).
VII. Certificate issued by the concerned University regarding Integration of Middle Level Health Provider(MLHP)/CCHN Course in Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) and PB B.Sc. Nursing.
VIII. QR Based COVID experience Certificate issued by concerned district. QR based COVID Experience certificate issued on prescribed proforma as per Annexure-V only shall be treated valid.
IX. Valid Category Certificate. Also refer Point No. 4 (d).
X. Valid photo ID and address proof.
XI. UP Nurses & Midwives Council Registration Certificate/Other State Nursing Council registration certificate.
XII. Domicile certificate.
XIII. PwD, Dependent of freedom fighters and ex-servicemen certificate.
NOTE: All documents should be clearly visible.
Notification Details of the Post of 7401 Contractual Vacancies of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
For online Apply:– Click Here
Official advertisement:– Click Here
General Instructions for Filling up Form for the Post of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
i) Candidate will apply through online mode only as per the qualifications and eligibility criteria as prescribed in detail advertisement.
ii) Candidate is required to apply On-line through NHM website in English only. No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
iii) Candidate should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application. Anymistake committed by the candidate shall be his/her sole responsibility.
iv) Candidate should enter their Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation certificate only. In case of name change, candidate should indicate their changed Name only in the online application. However, other details should match with the Matriculation certificate. Date of such change or application for such change should be prior to the date of ONLINE registration. Gazette Notification or any other legal document as applicable for such cases should be submitted atthe time of Document Verification (DV).
v) Candidate should have a valid personal e-mail ID and Mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Registration number, password, etc. for document verification or any other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID of candidate (also check email in spam/junk box). Candidate is, therefore, requested to check regularly their e-mail, text messages on mobile and NHM, UP website for any communication/update from NHM. Under no circumstances, the candidate should share/mention e-mail ID or password to/ or any other candidate / person. Please note that the Call Letter for CBT will not be sent by post.
vi) Candidate found provisionally eligible shall be called for CBT at their own expenses.
vii) Candidate is being advised to view the UP NHM Portal i.e. time to time for notifications/other related information. Updates uploaded on NHM, UP website will only be considered valid.
viii) After successful submission of application form, candidate is advised to take print out of the same and retain for future use.
A. Only online submission of application will be accepted.
B. A Surety Bond of Rs. 2.5 lakh on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- must be submitted by
the candidates (after successful completion of DVP) at the time of joining on prescribed format
at allocated District to serve for minimum three years at Sub Centre level AAM in UP.
C. All disputes will be subject to Jurisdiction of Lucknow.
D. In case of any query, candidate may call Help Line No. 104 (10.00 AM to 05.00 PM on working
Result of the Post of Community Health Officer(CHO)∥NHM UP∥
Examination/Interview Result will be uploaded to their official website.
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