North Carolina Senator Gale Adcock, MSN, FNP-BC, nurse-turned-legislator, emphasizes the importance of nurses developing their advocacy skills to influence policymakers effectively, especially when policy and politics are involved.
Nurses play a crucial role in advocating for their patients in healthcare settings on a daily basis. However, they tend to hesitate when it comes to speaking up in other settings. In a recent article published in AACN’s Advanced Critical Care, Adcock urges nurses to go beyond their comfort zones and participate actively in policy discussions at the local, state, and federal level.
She notes that nurses have several advantages when preparing to engage in policy discussions, including connecting efficiently with others and using everyday language instead of jargon.
According to Adcock, nurses need to confidently voice their concerns on issues impacting patients, communities, and the nursing profession. Despite nurses being the largest segment of the healthcare workforce, their voices are often missing from crucial conversations about access to care, health inequities, and upstream problems affecting people’s health.
She outlines practical steps to enhance advocacy efforts, starting with engagement in specialty nursing organizations like AACN and state nurses’ associations. Adcock emphasizes the importance of nurses proactively seeking opportunities to contribute to healthcare policy decisions rather than waiting for invitations.
“Nursing must be present and vocal at healthcare policy tables; it is on us to get there. We cannot expect an invitation to participate,” says Adcock.
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