

As a regulatory body for Nursing and Midwifery, the Nursing Council is the vanguard for quality Nursing Education by ensuring that Nursing and Midwifery personnel are competently educated and trained to deliver Professional Health Care.

The Goa Nursing Council was developed after sustained efforts by nursing professionals in the year 2012 and who worked as a committee. The Goa Nursing Council Act, 2012 (Goa Act 23 of 2012), which has been passed by the Legislative Assembly of Goa on 8-8-2012 and assented to by the Governor of Goa on 26-9-2012, and published in Government of Goa official gazette, extraordinary no.2 on 3rd October 2012, series I No.26.

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Goa Nursing Council-DNipCare-ECHO India Program on Promoting Excellence in Palliative Care Nursing Batch-5

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