

Details of the B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!

B.Sc. Nursing Course offered by State Nursing council and Approved by Indian Nursing council as Per INC Act. Before admission, Visit Official website of INC and Confirm details regarding the Course offered by any institute.

Institute NameAcademy Of Life Sciences- Nursing
Trust NameGadadhar Educational Society
Address:-N R I Hospital Gurudwara Seethammadhara Visakhapatnam Distt.- Visakhapatnam Pin Code- 530013
State:-Andhra Pradesh
Pin Code:-530013
Type Of Courses Offered;B.Sc.Nursing
Annual Intake:-60 (Sixty)

Minimum education eligibility criteria for admission to B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥ Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!

    • The minimum qualifying criteria of entrance test to admission to B.Sc. Nursing is as under:

      General                  50th percentile

      SC/ST/OBC             40th percentile General –

    • PwD                       45th percentile
    • SC/ST/OBC – PwD  40th percentile
    • In respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC the marks obtained in 3 subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology shall be 40% and passed in English individually.

Overview of the Course B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!:-

Nursing is a profession within the Health Care Sector focused on the care of individuals, families and communities so they may attain maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life.

Nurses care for individuals of all ages and all cultural backgrounds who are healthy and ill in a holistic manner based on the individuals physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual, social and spiritual needs. The profession combines physical sciences, social science and technology in caring for those individuals.

Duration of the course B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!:-

The total duration of the GNM course is 4 years.



SemesterCourse CodeCourse/Subject TitleTheor y


Theor y

Conta ct hours

Lab/ Skill Lab creditsLab/ Skill Lab

Conta ct hours

Clinical creditsClinic al

Conta ct hours

Total creditsTotal (hours)
1FirstENGL 101Communicative English240 40
ANAT 105Applied Anatomy360 60
PHYS 110Applied Physiology360 60
SOCI 115Applied Sociology360 60
PSYC 120Applied Psychology360 60
N-NF (I) 125Nursing Foundation I including First Aid module6120280216010360
SSCC (I) 130Self-study/Co-curricular   40+40

2= 24


= 720

2SecondBIOC 135Applied Biochemistry240 40
NUTR 140Applied Nutrition and Dietetics360 60
N-NF (II) 125Nursing Foundation II including Health Assessment module612031204320 560
HNIT 145Health/Nursing Informatics & Technology24014080
SSCC(II) 130Self-study/Co-curricular 40+20



= 800

3ThirdMICR 201Applied Microbiology and Infection Control including Safety24014080
PHAR (I) 205Pharmacology I120 20
PATH (I) 210Pathology I120 20
N-AHN (I) 215Adult Health Nursing I with integrated pathophysiology including BCLS module71401406480 660
SSCC (I) 220Self-study/Co-curricular 20




4FourthPHAR (II) 205Pharmacology II including Fundamentals of prescribing module360 60
PATH (II) 210Pathology II and Genetics120 20
N-AHN (II) 225Adult Health Nursing II with integrated pathophysiology including Geriatric Nursing + Palliative care module71401406480 660



SemesterCourse CodeCourse/Subject TitleTheor y


Theor y

Conta ct hours

Lab/ Skill Lab creditsLab/ Skill Lab

Conta ct hours

Clinical creditsClinic al

Conta ct hours

Total creditsTotal (hours)
  PROF 230Professionalism, Professional Values and Ethics including bioethics120 20
SSCC(II) 220Self-study/Co-curricular 40




5FifthN-CHN(I) 301Child Health Nursing I including Essential Newborn Care (ENBC), FBNC,

IMNCI and PLS, modules

3601402160 260
N-MHN(I) 305Mental Health Nursing I360180 140
N-COMH(I) 310Community Health Nursing I including Environmental Science & Epidemiology51002160 260
EDUC 315Educational Technology/Nursing Education24014080
N-FORN 320Introduction to Forensic Nursing and Indian laws120 20
SSCC(I) 325Self-study/Co-curricular 20+20




6SixthN-CHN(II) 301Child Health Nursing II240180 120
N-MHN(II) 305Mental Health Nursing II2402160 200
NMLE 330Nursing Management & Leadership360180 140
N-MIDW(I) / OBGN 335Midwifery/Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBG) Nursing I including SBA module3601403240 340
SSCC(II) 325Self-study/Co-curricular 


7SeventhN-COMH(II) 401Community Health Nursing II51002160 260
NRST 405Nursing Research & Statistics240280

(Projec t- 40)

N-MIDW(II)/ OBGN 410Midwifery/Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBG) Nursing II including Safe delivery app module3601404320 420


SemesterCourse CodeCourse/Subject TitleTheor y


Theor Lab/ y          Skill

Conta    Lab

ct      credits


Lab/  Clinical

Skill     credits Lab

Conta ct hours

Clinic Total     Total al      credits (hours)

Conta ct hours

 TOTAL10200         3120          6480    10+3+     800


8EightINTE 415Community Health Nursing    
 (Internshi – 4 weeks
INTE 420Adult Health Nursing – 6    
  INTE 425Child Health Nursing – 4    
  INTE 430Mental Health Nursing – 4    
  INTE 435Midwifery – 4 weeks    
   TOTAL = 22 weeks121056

1 credit theory – 1 hour per week per semester

1 credit practical/lab/skill lab/simulation lab – 2 hours per week per semester 1 credit clinical – 4 hours per week per semester

1 credit elective course – 1 hour per week per semester

Total Semesters = 8

(Seven semesters: One semester = 20 weeks × 40 hours per week = 800 hours)

(Eighth semester – Internship: One semester = 22 weeks × 48 hours per week = 1056 hours)

Practicum (7 semesters) excluding internship

Lab/skill lab/simulation lab – 600 (17%)

Clinical – 2880 (83%)

Total – 3480

Lab/skill lab/simulation lab = 17% of the total practicum planned

Note: Besides the stipulated lab and clinical hours, a maximum of 13% (400-450 hours) from the clinical hours can be used in simulation lab/skill lab for skill lab/simulation learning and not to exceed 30% of total hours.

Scheme of Examination B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!:


The distribution of marks in internal assessment, End Semester College Exam, and End Semester University Exam for each course is shown below.


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College ExamEnd Semester

University Exam

HoursTotal Marks
1Communicative English2525 250
2Applied Anatomy & Applied Physiology25 753100
3Applied Sociology & Applied Psychology25 753100
4Nursing Foundations I*25    
5Nursing Foundations I*25    

*Will be added to the internal marks of Nursing Foundations II Theory and Practical respectively in the next semester (Total weightage remains the same)


Nursing Foundations Theory: Nursing Foundations I Theory Internal marks in 1st semester will be added to Nursing Foundations II Theory Internal in the 2nd semester and average of the two semesters will be taken.


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College ExamEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal Marks
1Applied Biochemistry and Applied Nutrition & Dietetics25 753100
2Nursing Foundations (I & II)25

I Sem-25


II Sem-25

(with average of both)

3Health/Nursing Informatics & Technology2525 250
4Nursing Foundations (I & II)50

I Sem-25


II Sem-25

 50 100


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College examEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal marks
1Applied Microbiology and Infection Control including Safety25 753100
2Pharmacology I and Pathology I*25    
3Adult Health Nursing I25 753100
4Adult Health Nursing I50 50 100

*Will be added to the internal marks of Pharmacology II and Pathology II & Genetics in the next semester (Total weightage remains the same). 


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College examEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal marks
1Pharmacology & Pathology (I & II) and Genetics25

III  Sem-25


IV  Sem-25

(with average of

2Adult Health Nursing II25 753100
3Professionalism, Ethics and Professional Values2525 250
4Adult Health Nursing II50 50 100


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College examEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal marks
1Child Health Nursing I*25    
2Mental Health Nursing I*25    
3Community Health Nursing I including Environmental Science & Epidemiology25 753100
4Educational Technology/Nursing Education25 753100
5Introduction to Forensic Nursing and Indian Laws2525 250
6Child Health Nursing I*25    
7Mental Health Nursing I*25    
8Community Health Nursing I50 50 100

*Will be added to the internal marks of Child Health Nursing II and Mental Health Nursing II in both theory and practical respectively in the next semester (Total weightage remains same).


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College examEnd Semester

University Exam

HoursTotal marks
1Child Health Nursing (I & II)25

Sem V-25

& Sem VI-25

(with average of both)

2Mental Health Nursing (I & II)25

Sem V-25

& Sem VI-25

(with average of both)

3Nursing Management & Leadership25 753100
4Midwifery/Obstetrics & Gynecology I*25    
5Child Health Nursing (I & II)50

(Sem V-25

& Sem VI-25)

 50 100
6Mental Health Nursing (I & II)50

(Sem V-25

& Sem VI-25)

 50 100
7Midwifery/Obstetrics & Gynecology I*25    

*Will be added to Internal marks of Midwifery II theory and practical respectively in the next semester (Total weightage remains the same)


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College ExamEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal marks
1Community Health Nursing II25 753100
2Nursing Research & Statistics25 753100
2Midwifery/Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) Nursing (I & II)25

Sem VI-25


Sem VII-25

(with average of both)

3Community Health Nursing II50 50 100
4Midwifery/Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) Nursing (I & II)50

(Sem VI-25


Sem VII-25)

 50 100


S.No.CourseAssessment (Marks)
InternalEnd Semester College ExamEnd Semester University ExamHoursTotal marks
1Competency Assessment100 100 200

Guidelines for GNM : B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam∥2024-25∥ Best Scope!

    1. Grading of Performance

    Based on the performance, each student shall be awarded a final grade at the end of the semester for each course.

    Absolute grading is used by converting the marks to grade, based on predetermined class intervals. UGC 10 point grading system is used with pass grade modified.

    Letter grade

    Grade pointPercentage of marks

    O (Outstanding)



    A+ (Excellent)



    A (Very Good)



    B+ (Good)



    B (Above Average)



    C (Average)



    P (Pass)



    F (Fail)0


    For Nursing Courses and all other courses – Pass is at C Grade (5 grade point) 50% and above For English and electives – Pass is at P Grade (4 grade point) 40% and above

      Visit Our Website Regularly to stay updated regarding Admission, Courses, Nursing Council Updates and Recruitments from all over India.

      FAQ Regarding B.Sc.Nursing Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing∥Visakhapatnam:-

      What is the Duration of B.Sc.Nursing Course?

      The total duration of the course is 4 year 

      Academy Of Life Sciences- Nursing is Private of Government college?


      Annual Intake of Vivekananda Nursing Institute for B.Sc. Nursing Course

      60 (Sixty)

      Vivekananda Nursing Institute is Approved by Indian Nursing Council or Not ?

      Approved for Year–2024-25 as per INC Circular.

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